Your trouble (situation) may mean that it’s your turn. Your knee is bowing and tongue needs to start confessing. We know that faith without works is dead. What this simply means is… When we ‘connect’ with God, faith is formed. This always requires a response. Sometimes it’s to allow something to be changed within ourselves and sometimes it’s an outward expression. You can rest assure that there is always a response. There will always be a ‘tongue’ confession.
At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and passed it for consumption. The bread was first taken, then He gave thanks and broke it, then given to others (Luke 22:1-23). His actions mirror a recurring theme throughout all the scripture (and all creation). There is a very important message being spoken with His actions. First, we recognize receiving Christ and His broken body. We receive Him as “The Bridge” of death burial and resurrection, paying the way for us. Secondly, as God wills, we experience something much greater, much deeper. We begin to experience Christ in us. We start to understand that He lives in us. We see that it’s in Him that we live and move and have our being. We see our new identity. Further, being one with Him, we see we are the bread being broken and given to the world.
You don’t have to be confused with all the pain experienced in life… God lives in you and loves you. Christ is saying to the Father ‘Thank you for those given to to Him (you)’- and just like the bread, must be broken before it can be given out. It’s when you are weak that you are strong. When given out, you’re given to the world as light and salt. To resist is futile. Trust God- His surgical skills surpass all others. His sword is sharper than any knife…
I guess the only sad part is that this type surgery is that He doesn’t anesthetize you while cutting. There is a joy set before us. Go in peace and allow God’s finished work to change you.
I Am,
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