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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Am I walking By Faith or In Fear?

MindChrist Early in the book of Genesis we find a man and woman, walking in the garden intimately with God.  They make a decision that would forever change humanity.  Their decision was to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  To ‘eat’ means it was Adam and Eves’ motivation.  Their motivation, or intention of their heart was to take care of themselves.  They became independent, where they had been totally dependent upon God till this event.

Prior to the first ‘Declaration of Independence’, they were naked and didn’t even know it.  After the event, they were naked and they felt ashamed, trying to cover up.  Although God was never in denial about their wardrobe, He didn’t see any of their decision-making as a problem, except for the one thing they were told not to do.  God didn’t have a problem with any ‘action’ they would ever take except for the subtle core problem of being independent from Himself. 

God came to The Garden asking one simple question.  He asked Adam and Eve the same thing I want to ask you… “Who told you that you are naked?”  When God asked them this question, He was simply stating an obvious identity perception problem.  Adam and Eve, always being naked, weren’t judging themselves (or each other) until their child-like innocence was violated. 

Is it possible to live life, not judging ourselves by our actions?  Yes; in fact it’s a supernatural occurrence of walking by faith, born in love.  It’s the nature of unconditional love (Love without conditions) that looks past performance and sets focus on identity.  If your decision maker is ‘knowledge of good and evil’, you are eating from the same tree as Adam and Eve (The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil).  The whole point of Christ living in you is for you to surrender and trust Him, regardless of what it ‘looks’ like. 

The question God asked Adam and Eve was strangely never answered.  He asked them “Who told you that you were naked?”, yet God never answered the question.  So, let me ask you three questions about your current life and relationships…
Who told 'you' that 'you' were naked?
Who told 'you' that 'they' were naked?
Who told 'them' that 'you' were naked?
Light exposes everything.  Trying to ‘become something or someone’ is walking in the power of sin (fear).  It’s the covering up, using anything other than Grace that derails the experience of ‘Truth’ already finished in you.

I Am,
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