Man's worldly illusion of truth complicates the simplicity of God, creating 'clicks'. These 'clicks', sometime called denominations or religions are simply creations we have crafted, in order to gain control of an uncontrollable God. We 'bottle' Air, and try to sell it, calling it pure. God has made Himself freely available for all to breath (trust). Man's religion divides God into false, worldly explainable stories.
We don't need special instructions on how to breath air, do we? Every time we try to give special instructions on how to teach someone else to breathe (handle life or relate to God), all we are doing is reinforcing the great divide religion offers.
God is Love. Only love conquers all. If my people (you) will humble themselves (yourself) and accept Me in Truth and Spirit, then I will change their (your) mind and their (your) circumstances. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
I Am, David
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